If you open the code while reading, it might ease your understanding and if you make any improvements please let me know. Q-Learning is one of the basic reinforcement learning algorithm. I am going to explain this algorithm by an example. Now, imagine that you have robot and a house with six rooms. Task of the robot is the bring you whatever you want from kitchen to your study room. You want robot to learn the shortest way between these two rooms. I am hearing some objections why I am not programming it in conventional ways. Of course you can, but I am trying to explain something over here :). Whatever, let’s get to the point. Now you are creating a reward matrix of all the roads with rewards. You are assigning -1 to the walls (can’t pass), 0 for possible passing ways, and lastly reward (some big number (e.g. 100)) for your study room. By the way imagine this matrix that reward[x,y]; where x is the robot’s current room number, and reward[x,y] is the assigned reward for passage way from x to y, so if there is passage from x to y then it is 0 (while y is not the study room otherwise it is 100), if there is no then it is -1. Now, our reward matrix is ready, and we need to initialize some learning matrix. We are initializing learning (Q) matrix as matrix of zeros with same dimension with reward matrix. Lastly, we need to formulize learning;
while(i < iterate){ //repeats learning for true result
while(current room != study room){ //Try different actions and learns untill go to the study room
action = random_possible_actions
Q[current room, action] = reward[current room, action] + alpha*max[Q[action, all actions]]
current room = action
Where alpha is learning rate (0.8). By the way, don’t calculate actions rewarded with “-1” since robots can not get through walls :). You should iterate this line of code as much as you believe is enough for robot to learn. While iterating you should assign your actions randomly, so your robot be able to try different roads.
You got your robot learn the road, but how you can test it. Testing code as follows
current room = choose some room other than study room
while(current room != study room){
current room = index(max[Q[current room, all actions]]) // choosing the next room with highest learned reward
print current room
If your room numbers are sequence that creates the shortest way. Then you accomplished to teach your robot the shortest way from kitchen to your study room. Video is also available if you want to check;